Chapter 51


Hello! Welcome back to my Apocalypse challenge! Glad you could be here to join us on the beginning of Skylar’s reign as heir!

I have plans for this generation so lets get started!

Obviously the first thing on our list was to get Skylar a job!

She joins the criminal career and will be doing the oracle branch.

She joins immediately at level 3 so that’s helpful!

For fun, I’ve also decided that Graham will be getting a wife/husband to help us unlock the final careers. we only have 8 left and since I can add more than one sim into our house, Imma get him a spouse!

I have someone in mind, but they’re still a teen. So we’re going to have to wait a few days

Olive is still trucking away at the knitting.

I’m not convinced that she’s going to get to the baby onesies. or the toddler stuff

We invited Alexandra over only to realize that she’s still a teen…

Soooo… I guess we have to wait for her as well…

*biggggg sighhhhhhhh*

Alex left her homework behind when she left… Hope this doesn’t ruin her grades!

Graham got a promotion! Level 6! woohoo!

And his spouse is still a teen…

He may max his career first!

Well… not really. It’s only 2 days away and he doesn’t work for the next two days lol

Noooooo! I want the baby clothes! And she hasn’t even unlocked them!

I think… We might use a youth potion on her just for the onesies lol

It’s not like she’s super important right now.

All she does is knit and sleep.

And it’s not against the rules anymore since we unlock the rewards potions.

Skylar got a promotion on her first day of work! So that’s fun!

Ah! yes! it’s go time!

…or it will be as soon at she’s not sleeping lol

Okay. I gave her the thing. I really want those onesies lol

Alright so we finally got Alex over and we wasted no time in popping the quesiton!

She obviously says yes lol

And then we got married.

Didn’t waste our time with the actual event, but we did give them makeovers so they at least looks nice

And then it was time for us to get the next generation started!

Oh… Well… I guess we’ll have to try again when we get home from work…

Well anyway. Here’s Alex after her makeover. And she gets to take a job in the painter career. Which is what she’s doing right now

She does not get to start at level 3. She starts at the very bottom.

It is really hard for me to not just sell these when she’s done. But since we can’t sell sim-produced items… into the inventory they go!

Skylar’s back from work and we got right to work on the baby thing again lol


Maybe a different woohoo spot?



This is making me so sad…

the hell is this?! Just bathing in your pjs huh? weird

THREE TRIES AFTER THE LAST ONE and we’re finally expecting.

Infertility is not a joke

Skylar got a promotion! Woohoo!

This handsome fellow is Jairo Esquivel! He’s who I have picked out for Graham.

I was originally going to use him for Skylar, but that was before I saw Alexandra and fell in love with her instead lol

We didn’t get a lot of time to woo him after his birthday because then GRAHAM HAD TO GO TO WORK

Friendly reminder that Olive is still chugging away at the knitting.

We did a couple of the onesies and have now moved onto the toddler stuff.


That’s her sister-in-law by the way…

Do you think she’s a vampire?

I have to check

Yup. She’s a vampire.


Graham got another promotion today! Woohoo! Now invite Jairo back over please!

Goodness, aren’t they just the CUTEST?! I love them together!

Alfred and Hunter had their baby! Welcome to the family, Raelynn!

Girl time!

Oh poor Olive… She’s sick. Got the stripes!

SKYLAR!! Why are you third wheelin?! Get outta there! I’m trying to marry this guy!

Skylar goes away and we’re able to pop the question!

He says yes!

And we get married right away. We don’t even put them in formal clothes!

But welcome to the family, Jairo!

I was going through manage worlds and is discovered this guy who’s name is WATSON WATSON!


I also saved him because how could I not? lololololol

Also, this guy was in his household too lolololololololololololol

I saved both obviously lol

ANYWAY! Here is Jairo after his makeover! He’s currently working on joining the Entertainer career. He will be doing the musician branch.

Which means I get to listen to terrible music for a while…

It’s baby time!! Woohoo!

Everyone meet drunk baby Blake! Welcome to the family, Blake!

And he gets one of the new onesies that Olive made! He’s so cuteeeee

Ummmmmm…… Did we just get butt dialed?

We also needed a piano. But since we have absolutely no room for an actual piano, we have to make due with a keyboard.

That meant that we needed to get rid of the bar that we had there. But I don’t need juiced sims anyway.

woooooooooooooooooow. Alex, your sister-in-law is a bitch.

Hunter left his lucrative babysitter career lol

He has not gotten a new job yet though.

Graham got a promotion! Woohoo making that money!

He’s now level 8 by the way… Alexandra and Jairo are still on level 1…

Skylar also got a promotion! She’s now level 6 in her career

Never give out your credit card number kids lol

Alex and Jairo finally got their first promotions!

This lady randomly came to our house just to go through our trash can.


Blake aged up! He’s a cutie!

I should probably end this here, but I’m having too much fun! So we’re going to keep going!


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